Meeting Abstract

JL426. The Impact of the ONc-PoWER Course on the Professional Development of Nurse Practitioners

Margaret Quinn Rosenzweig, PhD, FNP-BC, AOCNP®, FAAN, Sara Jo Klein, MS, BSN, RN, Mary Connolly, BSN, RN, and Rose Hoffmann, PhD, RN, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA



Background: The Oncology Nurse Practitioner Web Education Resource (ONc-PoWER) is an online course developed by Margaret Rosenzweig, PhD, FNP-BC, AOCNP® from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing and funded by the National Cancer Institute (1 R25 CA148050-01A1). The course is designed specifically for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in their first year of oncology practice paired with an on-site mentor (physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant). The 5th module in the course focuses on Self-Care and Professional Development. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the ONc-PoWER course on the professional development of Nurse Practitioners 6 months or more after course completion. Method: NPs and mentors completed the course over 4-6 months. As a follow up measure 51 NPs were sent a survey regarding their professional activities since the completion of the ONc-PoWER course. There were 9 items with Likert scale responses of: 3) To a great degree, 2) Somewhat, 1) Not at all. Results: There were n=24 (41%) response. All but one were female with 23 white/Caucasian and 1 black/African American. See table. Conclusion: The ONc-PoWER course was effective in encouraging Oncology Nurse Practitioners in their professional development. Most effective was utilization of evidence for practice; least effective was the translation of evidence for other health care providers. This is an ongoing analysis. Implications: Future renditions of the course will include a stronger emphasis on scholarly publications and the translation of research findings and evidence.

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