Review Article

Novel Agents for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma: Proteasome Inhibitors and Immunomodulatory Agents

Sandra E. Kurtin, RN, MS, AOCN®, ANP-C, and Elizabeth Bilotti, MSN, RN, APN, OCN®

From University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona, and John Theurer Cancer Center at Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey

Ms. Kurtin has acted as a consultant for Celgene, Millennium, and Onyx. Ms. Bilotti has acted as a consultant and served on speakers bureaus for Celgene, Millennium, and Onyx.

Correspondence to: Sandra E. Kurtin, RN, MS, AOCN®, ANP-C, University of Arizona Cancer Center, 6950 North Chapparal Place, Tucson, AZ 85718. E-mail:

J Adv Pract Oncol 2013;4:307–321 | DOI: 10.6004/jadpro.2013.4.5.3 | © 2013 Harborside Press®



The integration of novel agents into the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) has shifted the focus from an incurable disease to one that is chronic, with a realistic hope of someday achieving a cure. Proteasome inhibitors and immunomodulatory agents are the backbone of novel therapies for MM. These agents are particularly important for patients with relapsed or refractory disease, a fate faced by the majority of myeloma patients over the course of their disease. Review of recent clinical trial data for the proteasome inhibitors and immunomodulatory agents, including clinical efficacy and safety information, will assist the advanced practitioner in oncology with integrating these data into the current treatment guidelines for MM.

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