Meeting Report

Biomarker Pursuit: Keeping Current With Novel Biomarkers in Hematology/Oncology

Presented by Beth Faiman,(1) PhD, MSN, APRN-BC, AOCN®, BMTCN, FAAN, FAPO, Sandra E. Kurtin,(2) PhD, ANP-C, AOCN®, FAPO, and Rasheda Persinger,(3) MSN, AGNP-C, AOCNP®

From (1)Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio; (2)The University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona; (3)Sibley Cancer Center, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC

Presenters’ disclosures of conflicts of interest are found at the end of this article.

J Adv Pract Oncol 2023;14(3):223–226 | | © 2023 Harborside™



In the popular biomarker-focused session at JADPRO Live 2022, presenters paired biomarkers with tumor types for which their expression is most commonly used to determine targeted therapy, identified key assays used to measure common biomarkers, and reviewed recommendations and guidelines for biomarker testing. 

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