Grand Rounds

A Tale of Two Sisters: Breast Reconstruction Options for Women With or at High Risk of Breast Cancer

Kathryn Trotter,(1) DNP, CNM, FNP, FAAN, Jennifer K. Plichta,(2) MD, MS, FACS, and Michael Zenn,(3) MD, MBA, FACS

From 1Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, North Carolina; 2Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; 3Zenn Plastic Surgery, Raleigh, North Carolina

Authors’ disclosures of conflicts of interest are found at the end of this article.

Correspondence to: Kathryn Trotter, DNP, CNM, FNP, FAAN, 307 Trent Drive, DUMC 3322, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail:

J Adv Pract Oncol 2020;11(2):173–179 | | © 2020 Harborside™



Breast reconstructive surgery has changed significantly over the past decade. The incidence of nipple-sparing procedures and prophylactic mastectomy has also increased significantly as women and their surgeons use shared decision-making strategies. The following case history of two sisters, one with breast cancer and one at elevated risk for breast cancer, highlights the current standard of care with newer gold-standard procedures for mastectomy and subsequent reconstruction. A comparison of types of mastectomies, steps in reconstruction, and reconstruction options are discussed.

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